To help raise funds to get us to San Diego, a live performance of “William (the snowman)” will be held at downtown Tucson’s Club Congress. The best part (unless it backfires) is that YOU get to decide how much you’d like to pay to attend.
Catfish Baruni and his Slideshow Fairytales will be performing in the 2015 San Diego International Fringe Festival (July 23rd – August 2nd). To help raise funds to make it to San Diego, an IndieGoGo campaign was created.
And now a live preview performance of "William (the snowman)" is being offered to continue to raise funds. And YOU get to decide how much to pay to see the show at club congress. Enjoy the show? Throw in some shekels. *REALLY* enjoy the show? Throw in even more shekels. (Please do not donate in actual shekels, though)
Part Spalding Gray, part business presentation gone awry, and part PG-13 rated fairytale, "Slideshow Fairytales: William (the snowman)" follows the snowy sojourns of the titular character as he learns lessons about life, love, and friendship in a faraway time when magic was science and science was magic (which was science [which was magic]),
Have you ever had a dream, the kind from which you don't wake up screaming? It was pretty great, wasn't it? Don't you wish you could go back to that magical dream world and stay there forever? Well, tough luck, pal, you can't incept yourself!...
BUT you can help Catfish's dream come true, and what could be more rewarding than that?
Catfish Baruni is a playwright, solo performer, and vinyl record clock maker. His signature brand of storytelling and his subversive commentary on human nature will be sure to delight and provoke audiences of all types.
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